Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Here's To Our Wonderful Couples Of 2012

It's been a busy few weeks for everyone here at J North Photography. I've been having a ball shooting some great weddings with some great couples. We've enjoyed some great wedding weather and a variety of top class wedding venues. We've been as far East as Oxford and as far West as Swansea in the last month or two.

Our trip to Oxford was a special one.

My younger brother Stephen, or Steve, was getting married to his beautiful girlfriend Kathryn. I had been given the difficult dual responsibility of joint best man/photographer. I can remember Steve asking me to do it. Will you be my best man? Yes, I would love to. Of course we would never consider having anyone else do out photo's other than you...

Steves clever use of flattery was enough to get me to agree to both roles. Of course I would get plenty of support on the best man front from my elder brother Howell.

On the day we were blessed with some lovely sunshine and friendly co operative guests (of course I have to say that as they were all realted to me.) Kathryn looked truly stunning and Steve was his usual witty pleasant self.

In the end we got some beautiful photographs and me and Howell mananged to deliver a pleasing best men's speech as well. Not a bad day's work.

Stephen and Kathryn

A couple of weekends back I photographed two weddings with two great couples.

On the Friday it was Leigh and Amy at Cwrt Bleddyn, near Usk. Sunday was Dan and Rachel at the Manor Park Hotel, Swansea.

Leigh and Amy

As I write this blog I still think that the Friday was the hottest day of the year so far with the Sunday only a couple of degrees cooler. I could have been photographing weddings in Ibiza on either day and it would not have been as warm ( I actually checked this fact.)

Photography in very bright conditions can bring it's own difficulties, but with experience you learn how to deal with such conditions and how to best use them to your advantage. The other happy outcome of this splendidly warm weekend? I think I lost about half a stone in weight.

Dan and Rachel

I can't thank both couples enough for the fun time we had on the day and I think the fact that everyone enjoyed themselves shines through in the photographs.

Will catch up with you soon.

Your pal
